Activities & Resources for Programs – August


  • Statistical Science: In this activity kids learn about probability to determine the frequency of different colored M&M’s in a package of M&M candies. M&Ms normally come in six different colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and brown.
  • Turn Milk into Plastic: Is it possible to make plastic out of milk? In the early 1900s until about 1945, milk was commonly used to make many different things from plastic. Milk plastic (usually called casein plastic) can be made easily. In this activity youth make their own casein plastic out of hot milk and vinegar.
  • Cyberchase_Biancas-Body-Math: In this Cyberchase activity, learners use math to explore how parts of the body are proportional. Learners make a measuring device out of string and then use it to measure the length of their forearms, the circumference of their fist, the circumference of their forehead, and the distance from their head to their toes.
  • Cool It!: In this fun hands-on activity, learners use simple materials to investigate evaporation. How can the evaporation of water on a hot day be used to cool an object? Find out the experimental way! The activity is based on an episode of Cyberchase called “Digit’s B-Day Surprise” and was developed to capture kids’ interest in math
  • Reverse Engineering: Ball Bounce Experiment: In this activity, learners investigate the properties of different types of balls. Learners conduct experiments on four different balls to see which can bounce the highest and which continues bouncing for the longest period of time. Use this activity to talk about how each ball’s properties are appropriate for their respective sport. This activity also coincides well with math graphing practice.






Click on the links below to access curated mini units of STEM-based curriculum from SDAN.

Activity Guide: Getting Electric

Activity Guide: Inside My Body

Activity Guide: Building Great Structures

Activity Guide: Harnessing Air 

Activity Guide: City Build 2040

Activity Guide: Star Wars

Activity Resources: Native American Heritage Resources

Activity Resources: Spooky Science Resources


Transformative Practices

The Million Girls Moonshot aims to raise awareness of the following four research-based practices — Equity and Inclusion, Engineering Mindsets, Role Model, Mentors, and Families, and STEM Pathways and Transition — proven to remove barriers to access and quality STEM learning experiences. Resources, toolkits, blogs, and activities that elevate these four Transformative Practices can be found below and on the Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit

  • Equity and Inclusion

      • Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework.
      • Afterschool Math Plus – FHI 360: Afterschool Math Plus is an evidence-based program that provides fun, real-world mathematics activities for students in grades three through eight. Materials include a culturally relevant curriculum designed around four thematic units that engage children. Each unit emphasizes identity development, careers, role models, strategies for family involvement, and inclusion of students with disabilities through an equity lens. Includes career connections.
      • 5 Ways to Get Parents More Involved in Schools: When schools figure out how to truly partner and work with parents, caregivers, and families, it can be game-changing for students’ academic achievement and social-emotional skills. Check out five principles behind effective family and community engagement.
      • Seven Ways to Promote Positive Communications With Families: One of the most meaningful and effective ways to improve rapport with families is by contacting them with positive news about their child. Together, positive communication systems are one of a handful of high-leverage practices that can help us build more cohesive and trusting school communities. Read about seven ways to promote positive communication with families, teachers, and afterschool programs.

    STEM Learning Pathways

    • Maryland Out of School Time College and Career Readiness Toolkit: This is a comprehensive guide to help middle and high school out-of-school-time programs get laser focused on building 21st century skills and supporting young people as they navigate through the complex world of planning for their advanced education and careers. We will be adding free and low cost professional development resources including videos, online courses and opportunities for live virtual training. Want to help MOST spread the word? Use the Social Media Sharing Resources to spread the word.
      • College and Career Readiness Middle School Playlist: This playlist is designed for middle school audiences focused on the College & Career Readiness Toolkit developed by the Maryland Out of School Time Network. This playlist distills the CCR Toolkit information into an actionable sequence for out-of-school time practitioners to implement with youth in their program. The Playlist consists of eight (8) 60-90 minute sessions aimed at middle school youth and one (1) session of pre-work for practitioners and organizational leaders only. Check out the accompanying CCR Middle School Playlist Youth Workbook.
    • Career-Conneted-Learning-Contiuum-Framework: Framework highlights the “Career Connected Learning” as a continuum of awareness, exploration, preparation, and work experiences developed through strong public and private partnerships. Participants develop, apply, and are assessed on academic, technical, trade, and entrepreneurial skills that support their future career success
    • Improving workforce development and STEM education to preserve America’s innovation edge: New advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing are automating jobs, displacing workers, and requiring new skills from Americans. In this article, the author connects the need for STEM education, especially technology, in all aspects of life to workforce development and the future of the American economy.
    • Career Exploration and Skill Development: This article from the US Dept of Education highlights key strategies for youth exploration of careers.


Training and Professional Development – August

Training and Professional Development – August

WEBINARS Empathy and Person First Training Thursday, August 15 12pm to 1pm, Online Using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that...

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities Landing Humans on the Moon: Over half a century ago, on July 20, 1969, humans walked on the Moon for the first time. Take a look back at the legacy of our first small steps on the Moon and look forward to the next giant leap with the following playlist for...

Training and Professional Development – July

Training and Professional Development – July

WEBINARS ACRES: Info Session about Micro-credentials and Digital Badging Tuesday, July 23rd 2:00 - 3:00 pm EST / 11:00 am- Noon PST ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer additional Information Sessions about STEM...