Training and Professional Development – April











Click2Engineering’s Including All Learners in Engineering

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 Noon-1:00 pm ET; 9:00 am-10:00 am PST

In a highly competitive world, how do we create program spaces that help young people feel like engineering is a discipline in which they can succeed and thrive? Join this virtual workshop to develop strategies for creating engineering experiences that are engaging for all youth. Dive into what makes an engineering activity open and inclusive. Experience hands-on engineering and come away with ideas you can put into practice. REGISTER HERE

ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions 

Wednesdays: 5/8, 5/22, 6/5/2024 2:00 – 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 – 1:00 pm PST

Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice.  This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC362PQ (Coach Hannah L)

ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections 

Mondays: 5/6, 5/20, 6/3/2024 6:00 – 8:00 pm EST / 3:00 – 5:00 pm PST

How do you help youth recognize their connection to and role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC331ID (Coach Emma C)


Info Session about Micro-credentials and Digital Badging

Wednesday, May 8th 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST / 10:00 – 11:00 am PST

ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer additional Information Sessions about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length.  You will learn about what Micro-credentials are and how to apply for them. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM, choose the date that works best for you, and we’ll reach out to you with the Zoom link. FMI contact (Note: It isn’t necessary to attend more than one informational session as the content is consistent.)


Teens Lead in Computer Science

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 Noon-1:00 pm ET; 9:00 am-10:00 am PST

Teens can develop a wide variety of interests and skills, including leadership by working or volunteering in out-of-school time computer science programs. Learn more about how teen leaders use their skills to lead computer science experiences and build meaningful relationships and help young people see themselves as computer scientists. Teen leaders are essential components of many 4-H programs across the US. Join this virtual workshop to learn more about how the 4-H experiential learning model helps young people grow and develop through these experiences.  This approach develops leadership and prepares young people to be the leaders, innovators and problem-solvers of our future. REGISTER HERE


Training and Professional Development – August

Training and Professional Development – August

WEBINARS Empathy and Person First Training Thursday, August 15 12pm to 1pm, Online Using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that...

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities Statistical Science: In this activity kids learn about probability to determine the frequency of different colored M&M’s in a package of M&M candies. M&Ms normally come in six different colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and brown. Turn...

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities Landing Humans on the Moon: Over half a century ago, on July 20, 1969, humans walked on the Moon for the first time. Take a look back at the legacy of our first small steps on the Moon and look forward to the next giant leap with the following playlist for...