Training and Professional Development – December


Trainings offered through Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment

Cultural Competency Series (Zoom sessions)
Poverty Simulation Experience (In-Person at USD Sioux Falls, registration required and limited to first 50 registrants)
 For additional information about these learning opportunities and visit learn more about CPCM’s WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project.



NASA Event 

In partnership with NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, we are kicking off the MONTHLY Surprisingly STEM career awareness series that includes:  pre-recorded career episodes (5 minutes long), Associated STEAM Activities, and Monthly live Sessions with NASA experts to answer Student Questions.

Flier here.







First Woman Camp Guide and Set of Hands-on Activities

As NASA prepares to put the first woman on the Moon in the next few years through the Artemis Missions, join us in an opportunity to imagine the possibilities of future lunar exploration with your upper elementary and middle school students. This set of hands-on activities accompanies NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series, which tells the story of Callie Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the Moon. While Callie is a fictional character, the first female astronaut and person of color will soon set foot on the Moon. Intended for uses in afterschool and summer settings, this First Woman Camp Experience Guide will bring the excitement of NASA’s science and technology. Read the fictional story of Callie, the first woman and person of color on the Moon. Download the interactive graphic novel and mobile apps.

  1. Access the Guide and Graphic Novel
  2. Register for Live Professional Development Webinar:
    1. October 17 5:00pm ET
  3. Use the Materials with Your Students
  4. Register for a Live Q&A with Scientists and Engineers working on the Artemis Mission
    1. November 9 at 3:30pm ET
    2. December 7 at 6pm ET
    3. Jan 24 at 4pm ET


Surprisingly STEM Video Series

Surprisingly STEM is a video series that highlights exciting and unexpected careers at NASA. This series is designed to inform students about the broad range of career opportunities at NASA – outside of the typical associations of rocket scientists  and astronauts – and to break down perceived barriers for working at the agency.

  • Monthly Release of new pre recorded 5 minute career episode 
  • Associated STEAM Activities 
  • Monthly Live Session with NASA expert to answer Student Questions 


December 2023 – Marine Biologists

NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is known for its launch pads,  rocket launches and cutting-edge technology — it’s also a  national wildlife refuge! NASA has a team of biologists whose  mission is to protect and preserve threatened and endangered  species living near launch sites. Biologists Eric Reyier, PhD,  and Bonnie Ahr share how their ecological work contributes to the  agency’s larger mission and how they personally ended up on a  boat in the Florida wetlands doing exciting work for NASA. 


Click to register for the live Q&A on December 6 at 5pm ET



Engineering Mindset 


Asking Purposeful Questions

Tuesdays: 11/28/2023, 12/12/2023, 12/19/2023 11:30am – 1:30pm EST / 8:30 – 10:30am PST) 

Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice.  This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. 

Choose the cohort AC344PQ (Coach Becky T)

Register for this cohort at


ACRES Coaching: Make Math Engaging

Mondays: 11/13/2023, 11/27/2023, 12/11/2023 2:00 – 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 am – 1:00 pm PST 

Are you looking for fun ways to help youth build number sense and problem-solving skills? Math can take on new meaning when it is integrated into daily routines in our afterschool programs. In this module, afterschool educators will explore and practice strategies for making math engaging and accessible.

*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC343MP

Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training

Tuesdays: November 28th and December 12th at 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST


Date and Time Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Topic Areas
December 12th 

1:00-2:00pm EST

MusicMath: Orchestration

Use fractions to create musical compositions, then perform the compositions using found instruments (pans, boxes, pencils, whistles). Create new combinations and permutations for the music fractions.

Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections). 

Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June, July, August, and September


Training and Professional Development – August

Training and Professional Development – August

WEBINARS Empathy and Person First Training Thursday, August 15 12pm to 1pm, Online Using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that...

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities Statistical Science: In this activity kids learn about probability to determine the frequency of different colored M&M’s in a package of M&M candies. M&Ms normally come in six different colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and brown. Turn...

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities Landing Humans on the Moon: Over half a century ago, on July 20, 1969, humans walked on the Moon for the first time. Take a look back at the legacy of our first small steps on the Moon and look forward to the next giant leap with the following playlist for...