Activities & Resources for Programs – July


Looking for activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.


Supported by the Mott Foundation, Mizzen is available at no cost to afterschool professionals! Encourage partners to download the Mizzen By Mott app to access STEM  activities at your finger-touch!  You’ll find it in Mizzen here.

 Featured Activities & Playlists

  • Mizzen Playlist: STEM Activities for K-5th Grade in Small Groups – This playlist is a great mix of engineering and science activities that are easy and fun for small groups of students.
  • Mizzen Playlist: Science Notebooks for 3rd – 12th Grade – Keeping a notebook can help your students think and act like scientists and engineers. Sample these easy-to-implement strategies and lessons to bring science notebooking into your program.
  • Mizzen Module: S.INQ Up Earth and Space for 6-8th Grade – Earth and Space is an inquiry and exploration-based curriculum that uses hands-on activities focused on the relationships between the earth, the solar system, and human impacts on our global environment.






Click on the links below to access curated mini units of STEM-based curriculum from SDAN.


Recruit STEM Experts as Volunteers

Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that – recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!

The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM.

Transformative Practices
  • Equity and Inclusion Article: Building a Community for Indigenous Mathematicians – Easy to read article on identifying as an indigenous mathematician and how to become part of a community of mathematicians.
  • Family Engagement Guide: Educator Guide: STEM Activities for Families | NASA/JPL Edu Easy to implement engaging activities for families (as a follow up to after school activities.)
  • Role and Models Resource: Career Girls is a comprehensive video-based career exploration tool for girls featuring diverse women STEM role models. It’s free to use and contains 16,000 videos, as well as career quizzes and resources.
  • Role Models and Mentors Training Webinar: NGCP celebrated National Mentoring Month in January by highlighting the importance of mentors in empowering girls and young women to actively pursue STEM education and careers. Learn from a panel of speakers including dynamic professionals in STEM who currently serve as mentors and the female students they are mentoring.
  • STEM Pathways and Transitions Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity from the Hive Research Network shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on a particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team.


Training and Professional Development – August

Training and Professional Development – August

WEBINARS Empathy and Person First Training Thursday, August 15 12pm to 1pm, Online Using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that...

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities & Resources for Programs – August

Activities Statistical Science: In this activity kids learn about probability to determine the frequency of different colored M&M’s in a package of M&M candies. M&Ms normally come in six different colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and brown. Turn...

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities & Resources for Programs – July

Activities Landing Humans on the Moon: Over half a century ago, on July 20, 1969, humans walked on the Moon for the first time. Take a look back at the legacy of our first small steps on the Moon and look forward to the next giant leap with the following playlist for...